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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 6

Autor:Corner, John
Naslov:televizija i kultura : obaveze i zadovoljstva
Matična publikacija:Britanske studije kulture : geografija, nacinalnost i identitet / priredili Dejvid Morli, Kevin Robins; str. [261]-271
Impresum:Beograd : Geopoeetika, 2003
Napomena:Prijevod članka: Television and culture: duties and pleasures
Ključne riječi:kultura medija -- televizija * mediji
Signatura316.7(08) BRI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Beyond poststructuralism : the speculations of theory and the experience of reading / edited by Wendell V. Harris
Impresum:University Park, PA : The Pennsylvania State University Press , cop. 1996
Materijalni opis:xiii, 445 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Literary theory
Napomena:Zastupljeni autori: Bergonzi, B. ; Holloway, J. ; Nuttall, A.D. ; Tallis, R. ; Searle, J. ; Levin, R. ; Scholes, R. ; Battersby, J. ; Bromwich, D. ; Kraft, Q. ; Fischer, M. ; Altieri, C. ; Clausen, C. ; Greene, G. ; Lefevere, A. ; Schwarz, D.R. ; Nemoianu, V. ; Nussbaum, M.. - Bibliografija: str. [435]-437 i iza pojedinih eseja
Ključne riječi:kritika * povijest * 20. stoljeće * strukturalizam * teorija književnosti * književna teorija * povijest književnosti * čitanje
Sažetak:I. THE DISABLING CONFUSION OF CURRENT LITERARY THEORY. -1. From "Splendours and Miseries of the Academy" / Bernard Bergonzi. -2. Language, realism, subjectivity, objectivity / John Holloway. -3. Adam naming the animals / Wendell V. Harris. -4.From "Shaking the concepts" / A.D. Nuttall. -5. Literature and textual intercourse / Raymond Tallis. -6. Literary theory and its discontents / John Searle. -7. The cultural materialist attack on artistic unita and the problem of ideological criticism / Richard Levin. -8. An end to hypocriticism / Robert Scholes. -II. RECAPTURING THE VALUES OF READING LITERATURE. -9. Authors and books: the return of the dead from the graveyard of theory / James Battersby. -10. Literature and theory / David Bromwich. -11. Toward a critical re-renewal: at the corner of Camus and Bloom streets / Quentin Kraft. -12. Deconstruction and the redemption of difference / Michael Fischer. -13. The purloined profession; or, How to reidealize reading for the text / Charles Altieri. -14. "National literatures" in English: toward a new paradigm / Christopher Greene. -16. On daring to teach literature. Again. / André Lefevere. -17. Signing the frame, framing the sign: multiculturalism, canonicity, pluralism, and the ethics of reding "Heart of darkness" / Daniel R. Schwarz. -18. Literery history: some roads not (yet) taken / Virgil Nemoianu. -19. The literary imagination in public life / Martha Nussbaum
Ostali autori / urednici:Harris, Wendell V.
Namjena :REF(d)
Signatura:82.0 BEY
Inventarni broj:2000/226
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Sixteen Famous British Plays / compiled by Bennett A. Cerf and Van H. Cartmell ; with an introduction by John Mason Brown
Impresum:New York : The Modern Library , 1942
Materijalni opis:XX, 1000 str. ; 21 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:A Modern Library Giant
Ključne riječi:engleska književnost - drame - antologija
Sažetak:<The second mrs. Tanqueray / Wing Pinero, Arthur><The importance of being Earnest / Wilde, Oscar><What every woman knows / Barrie, J. M.><Milestones / Bennet, Arnold, Knoblock, Edward><The green goddess / Archer, William><Mr. Pim passes by / Milne, A. A.><The circle / Maugham, Somerset W.><Loyalties / Galsworthy, John><Outward bound / Vane, Sutton><Cavalcade / Coward, Noel><Journey's end / Sherriff, R. C.><The barretts of Wimpole Street / Besier, Rudolf><Dangerous corner / Priestly, J. B.><The green bay tree / Shairp, Mordaunt><Victoria Regina / Housman, Laurence><The corn is green / Emlyn Williams>
Ostali autori / urednici:Cerf, Bennett A. ; Cartmell, Van H. ; Brown, John Mason
Signatura:SF 16539
Inventarni broj:998
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Naslov:The media studies reader / edited by Tim O'Sullivan and Yvonne Jewkes
Impresum:London [etc.] : Arnold : Co-published in the USA by Oxford University Press , cop. 1997
Materijalni opis:[xii], 461 str. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Bibliografija iza pojedinih radova. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:mediji * sociologija medija
Sažetak:Section 1: The media and modern life. -1. The invasion from Mars / Hadley <Cantril>. -2. Mass and masses / Raymond <Williams>. -3. Mass communication and modern culture / John B. <Thompson>. -4. The separation of social space from physical place / Joshua <Meyrowitz>. -5. Communications and the constitution of modernity / Graham <Murdock>. -6. Public service broadcasting and modern public life / Paddy <Scannell>. -Section 2: Stereotypes and representations. -7. Rethinking stereotypes / Tessa <Perkins>. -8. The lost world of stereotypes / Martin <Barker>. -9. The power of popular television: the case of 'Crosby' / Justin <Lewis>. -10. Mapping the mythical: a geopolitics of national sporting stereotypes / Hugh <O'Donnell>. -11. Approaches to 'the North': common myths and assumptions / Esther <Adams>. -12. Crippling images / Anne <Karpf>. -13. Moral panics / Simon <Watney>. -14. The most repeated, most read messages of the Cult: 1949-74 / Marjorie <Ferguson>. -15. The social role of advertising / T. H. <Qualter>. -16. Television's 'Personality system' / John <Langer>. -Section 3: Audiences and reception. -17. On alcohol and the mystique of media effects / Andrew <Tudor>. -18. The television and delinquency debate / Graham <Murdock> and Robin <McCron>. -19. In defense of 'Video nasties' / Julian <Petley>. -20. Looking at 'The Sun': into the nineteies with a tabloid and its readers / Mark <Pursehouse>. -21. Technology in the domestic environment / Ann <Gray>. -22. Satellite TV as cultural sign / Shaun <Moores>. -23. Critical perspectives within audience research / Nick <Stevenson>. -Section 4: Producers and production. -24. The missing dimensions - news media and the management of social change / Peter <Golding>. -25. The problems of making political television: a practitioner's perspective / Roger <Bolton>. -26. Keepers of the castle: producers, programmers and music selection / Stephen <Barnard>. -27. Priorities and prejudice: 'Artist and repertoire' and the acquisition of artists / Keith <Negus>. -28. How are television soaps produced? / Richard <Kilborn>. -29. Film production in the information age / Janet <Wasko>. -30. Video diaries: what's up doc? / Peter <Keighron>. -31. Riding with ambulances: television and its uses / Andrew <Goodwin>. -Section 5: Gobal media and new media. -32. The poisoned chalice? International television and the idea of dominance / Michael <Tracey>. -33. Not yet the post-imperialist era / Herbert <Schiller>. -34. Where the global meets the local: notes from the sitting room / David <Morley>. -35. The roots of the information society idea / David <Lyon>. -36. Disinformocracy / Howard <Rheingold>. -37. Postmodernism and popular culture / Dominic <Strinati>. -38. Higher education, training and cultural industries: a working partnership / Ian <Connell> and Geoff <Hurd>. -39. Media studies and the 'knowledge problem ' / John <Corner>
Ostali autori / urednici:O'Sullivan, Tim ; Jewkes, Yvonne
Signatura:316.77(08) MED
Inventarni broj:06/111
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Corner, John
Naslov:Media studies and the 'knowledge problem '
Matična publikacija:The media studies reader / edited by Tim O'Sullivan and Yvonne Jewkes; str. 445-456
Impresum:London [etc.] : Arnold : Co-published in the USA by Oxford University Press, cop. 1997
Ključne riječi:sociologija medija * mediji
Signatura316.77(08) MED
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Corner, John
Naslov:Critical ideas in television studies / John Corner
Impresum:Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1999
Materijalni opis:139 str. ; 24 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Oxford television studies
Napomena:Str. 129-135: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:mediji * televizija
Namjena :poslijediplomski studij književnosti
Signatura:316.77 COR C
Inventarni broj:III-1387
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Corner John )
